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Chatnoiremeow online store

2016年3月4日 星期五

日本品牌 Mayglobe

好高興同大家介紹我們新引入的日本牌子Mayglobe, 這個名字大家可能不太熟悉但日本精的你一定在日本見過,它便是在各大百貨公司如伊勢丹,丸井百貨0101, 大阪梅田,心齋橋,東京銀座,新宿的精品店都會見到佢既蹤影,日本最近崛起的新興首飾品牌。
其實我們同Mayglobe 已合作一段日子,但因為每次新上架都被搜購一空所以沒辦法在網店上架,所以今次一有新貨就立即通知大家!
為何Mayglobe這麼受日本人歡迎?簡單直接地說就是它那種輕奢淑女風~相比傳統的珍珠,Mayglobe 大多會用粉紅色的cotton pearl 和水晶作主調製作高貴的長耳環(仲要有夾耳環!)以華麗款式同貴氣的設計成功擄獲日本媽媽和少女輩的心,據說每逄婚宴,畢業典禮,什至到神社參拜都會見到不同款式的Mayglobe 搭配出現。無他的,Mayglobe 的粉色閃鑽設計真係好配合到亞洲人的妝容,不需要濃妝,簡約既妝容加少少胭脂戴上Mayglobe 的耳環已經令人神采飛揚,不信?看看模特兒的示範吧~
銅鑼灣東角道24-26號東角 LAFORET 265號鋪
whatsapp 下單/查詢:68836578

So happy with the introduce our new introduction of Japan brand mayglobe, this name everyone might not be familiar with the essence of Japan, but you must be seen in Japan, it is in major department stores such as isetan, marui stores 0101, Osaka umeda , shinsaibashi, Tokyo Ginza, shinjuku boutiques will see him no trace of both, Japan of the recent rise in emerging jewelry brand.

Actually, we have cooperation with mayglobe a day, but because every time the new listed were best buy sold out so I can't shop listed in the network, so this time, there was a new immediately notify everyone!

Why so affected by the Japanese mayglobe welcome? Simple said it directly that light lavish lady wind ~ compared to traditional pearls, mostly mayglobe use Pink Cotton Pearl and crystal ownership via for noble long earrings (Chung have a clip earrings!) To gorgeous style with expensive gas design successfully been japan mom and teenage peer heart, reportedly for páng wedding, graduation ceremony, even to the shrine will see different styles of mix mayglobe appeared. Of the wicked, mayglobe of pink flashing diamond design so buckle up your tie to the Asians of makeup, no heavy make-up, eco-both makeup plus a little bit of wear rouge mayglobe earrings has a rattle and hum, do you believe it? Look at the model of the model of it ~

Door Municipality Buy:
Shop No.265, 2/F Laforet, Excelsior Plaza, 24-26 East Point Rd, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

Buy online please click to:

Whatsapp orders / enquiry: 68836578

#Jewelry #accessories #Japan #elegant #cottonpearl

